Month: September 2010

  • let’s see if this works …

    so, I think I figured out why (well, part of the reason) I am not the most regular blogger. I can’t access xanga easily with my iPhone!

    let’s face it, I’m addicted to this damn thing. my life is on it, and everything I do is, too.

    after being gifted several iTunes gift cards last week for my birthday (yeah, another year older), I purchased the super-expensive iBlogger app. ugh.

    BUT, if it encourages me utilizing this outlet more, I’ll consider it an investment.

    so, did this blog even come through right? can you see it okay? let me know!

    (though if it doesn’t, I’m pretty sure I’ll be gone for a few more days, as I’ll be hitting my head against the wall continually for spending $10 on a damn app!)